Guest Services

Guest Services is located in the Clocktower building in the Main Base Area. We're happy to help you.

Resort Services

We strive to make your visit with us as simple as possible. Below please find a list of programs designed to make your stay with us as easy and enjoyable as we can.

You can reach Guest Services by calling 802.464.4073 or please Contact Support Here with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

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Bag Check

During the winter season, bag check is available in the Main Base Lodge. (enter through Mount Snow Sports at the Main, Backside Snowboards, or the Restrooms entrance).

Seasonal Lockers

Tired of lugging your gear each time you want to ski or ride? Rent a locker in the Seasonal Locker room located in the Main Base Lodge, below the Backside Snowboard Shop. The locker is yours May 1–April 30. You provide the lock. New to Mount Snow and would like to have a locker assigned to you? Please contact Peter MacDonald at, he will be happy to assist you.

Skier Drop Off

In 2023, Mount Snow debuted a re-designed drop zone to enhance the Main Base Area arrival experience. The Drop Zone has been upgraded to an airport-style guest drop-off area to lessen the impact of vehicle traffic, with a one-way traffic flow from the Ski and Ride School Discovery Center to the exit into our parking lots. There are designated handicap parking spots just before you enter the drop zone, on your left. Please leave your handicap marker in a very visible spot.

Helpful Contacts

Area wide lodging, ski & stay packages, general resort information

Ticket information

Mount Snow lodging reservations

Ski and Snowboard School and Childcare Reservations

Golf club pro shop (summer)

All other questions

Emergency/Ski Patrol

Helpful Contacts

Area wide lodging, ski & stay packages, general resort information

Ticket information

Mount Snow lodging reservations

Ski and Snowboard School and Childcare Reservations

Golf club pro shop (summer)

All other questions

Emergency/Ski Patrol